It feels completely uncomfortable, a drag, somedays I don't want to get out of bed and I certainly do not want to think for myself. I guess it's a habit you have to master...

It feels somewhat like this:
It's hard because I have a hard time concentrating and doing the work I have to do at the MPC Headquarters. I work better by my own, and this is a problem because collaborative learning is on of the central axes of our learning process. 

Also, I've realized how little work I did during the semester. True, I did finish two books, but no documentation habits were created, and this just left me so much work to do over the holidays. 

Obviously I've been having trouble with my time management, but up to what point will I let this continue. I think I have taken more than a weekend as Kata said. I think that that worked for her, but hasn't really worked out for me. The last couple of weeks I have been working on completing my reading, understanding Euclid to the best of my abilities, but NO DOCUMENTING. 

The last few days I've been organizing this webpage so to make it more User Friendly and present it to the Board on Thursday, so... I guess I haven't been following the reading schedule and I'm already behind!

Today I wrote my Personal Rubrics and realized that most of them are ideals of what I want to become, instead of the truths I'm living by today. But I'll be patient with myself and try to stay focused and on-track. 
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men, who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given, instead of exploring the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary.  
                                                                                                          -Adidas Ad Campaign
Since being a pioneer takes courage, and this year I’ve proved to myself that I am that and so much more, I will share with you one of my most sheltered dreams. Even though I’m terrified, I stand before you excited and full of faith.

I dream of camels. Let me elaborate on that; I dream eradicating malnutrition in Guatemala and, through serendipity at its finest, I came across two events that started a fire within me.

First, I watched a movie called “Salmon Fishing in the Yemen”, which is about introducing salmon fishing in the Yemen. And then I found this woman called Alicia Sully, who’s all about creating awareness regarding the great nutritional benefits of consuming camel milk.  

I realized that we could stop kids from dying of hunger and anemia in the Guatemalan semi desert, where cattle cannot survive due to the harsh environmental conditions, by introducing camels and commercializing camel milk.

I realize that the probability of failure exists, and if my camels don’t work, I’ll come up with a new idea to solve the tragedy of malnutrition in my country, and hopefully will develop a replicable model that can be applied in the rest of the world.

My big dream is to change the world by changing the way people around me perceive it, and themselves; we are all a crucial part of a wonderful whole, we just need to open our eyes, our hearts and our minds to make an impact. 


    This is Greek for "Manifestation" is an "experience of sudden and striking realization. 

    In this section you will find all my little "Aha Moments" and the new things I learn along the way. I hope that in my Journey to Self Discovery, you feel inspired to find out new things about yourself as well. 

    You can also check out my Youtube Channel for more videos.


    Diciembre 2012

